
Is it safe to continue low carb diets during pregnancy? Low carb diet is very popular when it comes to our fitness regime and losing weight. But the problem arises when you are pregnant. Is it safe to continue with...

Should You Run While Pregnant?

As a fitness enthusiast, you may wonder if it is safe to run while pregnant. Experts believe that you can hit the road during your pregnancy. However, you...

How to Cope With Itching During Pregnancy

Itching during pregnancy is very common. It can be annoying to have to deal with it. Here are some tips on what causes it and how to handle...

Tips For Pregnant Women Who Can’t Sleep

During pregnancy, difficulty sleeping is quite common. This is because it gets uncomfortable in the 1st and 3rd trimesters. You can get a good night’s sleep if you...

Is it Safe to do Kegel Exercise during Pregnancy

Kegel exercises may not be visible like regular exercises, but it strengthens the pelvic floor muscle. These muscles support the uterus, bladder, and rectum. While pregnant, you can...

4 Things Nobody Tells You About Having Twins

If you are pregnant with twins, the whole world suddenly becomes full of advisers explaining you all the details, even though most people don’t have twins themselves. This is...

Books you should read when you are expecting

These are the pieces of advice a mother often come across when she is expecting. While most of them are indubitable, reading more during pregnancy makes sense as it...


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