How to Cope With Itching During Pregnancy

Photo by Xavier Mouton Photographie on Unsplash

Itching during pregnancy is very common. It can be annoying to have to deal with it. Here are some tips on what causes it and how to handle it:

Causes of itching

Itching nipples, breasts, buttocks, tummy, feet and hands may be caused by various hormonal changes. The skin drying out while it stretches over the body also causes itching. Itching stops after childbirth, but if you develop a rash during pregnancy talk to your doctor.

Solutions to itching

Some tips to ease itching include:

  • Don’t use one with irritating perfumes in it. Get one with cocoa butter, vitamin E ointment, or a balm.
  • Use an oatmeal bath and calamine lotion. Don’t apply the calamine lotion on your nipples because it dries it out.
  • Don’t take hot baths because they also dry out the skin. A warm bath should suffice.
  • Wear breathable cotton or loose clothing.
  • Use a humidifier in your bedroom to prevent drying out of your skin.
  • Use a damp towel to ease the itching.

Even though it may seem desirable to scratch it, but it is not advisable. Scratching makes it worse, and the skin becomes tender. This could make your nipples more sensitive during breastfeeding.

As your tummy grows, the itching may increase. But when the baby comes, you won’t remember the discomfort anymore.