Kids develop at different paces, so there is no particular age or time for preschool readiness. Some kids are ready at eighteen months while others are old enough at three years old.
To determine if your child is ready to start preschool, consider these factors:
Basic self-care
Many preschools prefer kids that are toilet-trained. Kids who show some readiness to learn how to use the toilet are considered as well. Can your child wash his hands and dry them without supervision? Can the child sit quietly and eat a snack with needing help from an adult?
Can your toddler work unsupervised for a short period? The child must be able to complete a puzzle, draw, and focus without adult supervision. If you child lacks these skills, teach her at home to complete short tasks in your absence.
Group activities
Can your child take part in group activities? This skill is developed in preschool, but the child must be ready to learn it. Also, the child should also be comfortable with sitting in a circle and listening to the teacher. A great way to tell if your child is comfortable with group activities is to observe playgroups.
Can the child stay on his own in your absence for a few hours? Kids with babysitters have a better chance of starting preschool earlier. If your child cries a lot when you’re separated, then you should practice shorter separations first.