How Much TV Does Your Preschooler Needs?

Photo by Peter ᴳᴱᴼ Kent on Unsplash

The television can impact your child negatively as well as positively. It all depends on how you use it. How much TV is too much for a preschooler?

Preschool years involve lots of physical, mental and emotional development. This is why one to two hours of TV is enough for preschoolers. You can make this routine a habit by aiming for moderation. Some tips include:

Don’t channel surf

If your child’s educational program is over, put off the TV. This is why DVD may be better because they simply go off after the program ends.

Avoid using the TV as background noise

When you are not watching, don’t use the TV for background noise. This can interfere with the learning process.

Don’t eat in front of the TV

It is better to eat at the table than in front of the television. This setting helps promote good manners while developing the child’s conversational skills.

Set a schedule

TV time should be set at the same time daily. This helps the child to know when to expect. The TV should not be a constant factor in the home.

Ensure that everyone else gets with the program

Your babysitter and caregivers should be informed of the viewing rules. It would help if you also disciplined yourself when it comes to TV viewing.

Monitor TV viewing

Kids can’t tell the difference between fiction and fact, so your role includes explaining these things to the child.