Make Gardening Fun for Your Little One

Photo by Nikoline Arns on Unsplash

Kids are naturally curious and always want to lend a helping hand. You can use this opportunity to teach the child useful skills for the future. You can also teach your child where food comes from and how to preserve it.

If you live in the city or want to plant during winter, you can opt for an indoor garden. Set it down near the window.

Plant the seed

Plant bush beans, radishes, and lettuce because they grow quickly. Kids are not patient like adults, so they need to see the results of their labor in the shortest time possible. Start by teaching the child how to plant and where to place the seeds.

Show your child how to water it and harvest the crops. Always celebrate after each milestone. If possible, visit a farm, and show the kid how the planting is done on a larger scale.

Teach responsibility

Planting in the garden teaches a child about the need to show care and responsibility. These qualities are essential and can help sculpt the child into a responsible young adult. Remember that your child is young and you shouldn’t expect too much. Offer all the help you can, and your child will love the activity in no time.