Losing the First Baby Tooth

Photo by Blaise Vonlanthen on Unsplash

The first baby tooth falls off when a child reaches six years old. However, some kids take a longer time to lose the first tooth. If you have a toddler, you should be looking forward to this activity. Here’s what you should know about losing the baby tooth:

When the child starts to lose his baby teeth, it doesn’t follow the pattern of the first growth. It follows a reverse pattern. The first tooth to go is usually the bottom middle tooth. Both may fall at the same time and they are known as the mandibular central incisors. The next set of teeth to go are the top middle teeth. They are immediately followed by the canines, the first molars, and the second molars. When the child is about eleven to thirteen years old, all the baby teeth should have fallen off. Although, in some rare cases, the process may take a longer time.

The adult teeth

The permanent or secondary teeth start to replace the baby teeth as they fall off. The process doesn’t stop until the child gets his wisdom teeth or third molars. This usually happens by age seventeen to twenty. It may delay in some people, but when it grows, the teething process is finally complete.