The internet makes things easier for everyone. It is similar to a city, filled with resources and information that cannot be found in libraries. However, it is no place for an unsupervised young child to wander around. It is filled with risks of stumbling on inappropriate content as well as predators. The internet can be accessed easily with computers and mobile devices, so banning it entirely doesn’t work. You need a better plan to make the internet safe for your child.
Educate Yourself
Children today are more tech savvy so you must educate yourself to be able to keep them safe and teach them digital etiquette. Since the digital world evolves often, you need to continue to learn to protect your child.
Put yourself in charge
Banning internet use doesn’t work, so take charge of the content. A blanket ban is almost useless because many kids can use school computers or mobile phones. Use parental controls on your internet enabled devices at home. Also remember to inspect their laptops, mobile phones, smart TV and gaming consoles. Join their favorite social media sites and educate them about the need to be careful about what they post on the internet.
When you limit screen time at home, you will educate the kids on safe sites to visit and games that are child-friendly.
Stay close when they use devices
Don’t allow usage of internet-enabled devices in the bedroom. This way, you can monitor them while they chat with their friends. You can also ensure that they only visit child-friendly sites.