Why Children Need to Play

Photo by Yasmin Dangor on Unsplash

Playing is essential for your child’s body as well as its mind. It aids mental development in so many ways. Play, in this context, doesn’t apply to organized sports. It refers to active or imaginative play such as riding a bike, playing hide-and-seek, building blocks, or playing dress up. Anything that comes naturally to kids falls in this category.

Some ways through which play develop a child’s mind and body include:

Pretend play

When kids use their imagination, they benefit from it in so many ways. This type of play uses various parts of the brain such as emotion, language, movement, and thinking. It helps children to understand how things work as well as their roles in the world.

Board games

Can playing Candy Land or Chutes and Ladders help your little one? Yes, they can. Board games help teach your kids about decision making, rules, taking turns, as well as social skills. It may also come in handy for other math skills such as shape and color recognition and counting.

Recess games

Studies have shown that not getting recess break to play can affect kids negatively. They become less attentive when they do not take a break. Recess allows the children to develop social and communication skills. They learn to work as a team as they play games and pick rules.

Playing outside

When kids play outside, it brings out their creative side and reduces stress. Playing indoors is fun, but the pretend play is more diverse and intricate.