Helping Your Toddler Cope With Transitions

Photo by Jordan Rowland on Unsplash

Transitions can affect both parents and toddlers when the child’s developmental pace is not considered. It is important to avoid comparing children’s milestones with their peers because each child is unique. When it is time, every child will complete its transitions.

Some major transitions include using a sippy cup, changing beds, using underwear instead of diapers, starting preschool and eating by himself.

Here are some tips to try:


Always be consistent with your routine to avoid confusion. Develop a plan and stick to it. This will make the child’s transition easier.

Reward your child

Praise the child when performs well. Kiss and hug your child for small successes. Sometimes, add a small reward to remind the child that you appreciate its efforts.

Encourage your child

Tell a story to encourage the child because this will empower him/her to accomplish the milestones. You can also read a book that applies to the situation.

Be prepared

Tantrums should be expected especially if the child is extra cranky. Anticipate the triggers and remove them ahead of time.

Don’t rush

Handle the transitions one at a time, don’t rush. Only modify one behavior before moving on to the next. It makes the entire process less overwhelming for the child and less stressful for you.

Be a role model

Kids watch your every move and follow your actions and not words. Demonstrate proper behavior, and he will follow suit.