Recently, I went out to lunch with friends and their small son. I was amazed to see he ate absolutely anything put in front of him.
This intrigued me after having witnessed other small children who are a big struggle to feed. I ask my friends how they managed it, and this is the advice they gave.
Sitting down at the dinner table with the rest of the family is non-negotiable. And no-one can leave unless someone has finished their meal.
Let the child try different things.
He or she is likely to pull a funny face when tasting lots of things for the first time, but if you let your child taste your food and drink, they’ll be less curious about it and move on.
Make being at the dining table fun. Drop your phone and focus on the child, and have fun with your food.
This will encourage him or her to look forward to mealtimes and try everything that is offered.
Don’t force the child to eat. It makes for a very angry little person. If the child won’t eat something, put it to one side for a while and try offering it to them later.
Offer properly-seasoned, tasty meals, and avoid the bland.
And always remember to lead by example.