Having a baby is a bit like a rollercoaster ride. They bring so much joy, but also so many worries.
One of the biggest milestones we wait for our babies to achieve is walking. But what happens when babies younger than yours are not only walking, they’re running, and yours is yet to get off the mark?
Immediately, panic sets in that something must be ‘wrong’, and that your child is never going to catch up with others in their age cohort.
By now, your mind is 18 years into the future already, worrying about high school graduation! But before you get there, let’s look at the statistics:
Whilst the majority of children take their first steps from 9-12 months and are walking well by 14-15 months, it is normal for a child to only take their first steps at 16-17 months.
It is only if your child shows no inclination to walk by 18 months that you should be concerned and approach your doctor.
Here are some ideas to stimulate your ‘lazy walker’:
Stand behind them, hold their hands and let them practice balancing and walking.
Make it a game. Give plenty of praise.