Making the Transition From Breastmilk to Formula Easy

Photo by Gift Habeshaw on Unsplash

Transitioning babies from breast milk to formula is more difficult than it looks. It can also be emotionally tasking for both parents and baby. Here are some guidelines to help you make this change without a hassle.

The best time to introduce milk

There is no hard and fast rule about when to transition the baby to milk. A baby under the age of one needs formula or breastmilk for all nutritional needs. After the first year, focus on providing a balanced diet for your child.

This decision to transition may be influenced by external factors like going back to work. Returning to work should not be the only reason to transition since you can still breastfeed and give her formula during the day.

It is a gradual process

Weaning takes time and a lot of patience. Don’t rush it; give the child time to get used to the new feeding system.

Kids react differently to weaning. Some may be eager to take milk while others may not even give it a thought. If the process seems too difficult, consider mixing some formula with breastmilk. Reduce the ration of breast milk each time.

Interactive meal times

Make mealtime interactive and focus on feeding solid foods. Encourage the child to try out other types of food. These steps will make the transitioning process as simple as possible.