If Your Kid Has Asthma, Here What You Need to Know

Photo by Amy Treasure on Unsplash

Asthma can be a really nasty chronic disease and will surely give you and your kid some hard time. But, there are many ways you can make things easier so your kid can live normally and without going through the hard symptoms of this disease.

We would like to show you a few things you need to know if your kid suffers from Asthma.

Asthma is Tough to Diagnose

It’s very difficult to diagnose asthma before age five. Even though most of the kids who have asthma develop symptoms before they are five, doctors will mostly diagnose those symptoms as pneumonia, upper respiratory tract infections, or bronchitis.

Triggers Are Everywhere

Many things can cause the symptoms of asthma – respiratory infections and colds, allergies caused by pollen, mold, animal dander, feather etc.

Meds Work Two Ways

Kids who have severe asthma mostly require medicines which act like “rescue medicines” as they have immediate effect and they instantly eliminate the obstructions in the lungs.

Aside from the “rescue medicines” your kid will also need “controller medicines” which need to be taken daily as they keep your child safe from the asthmatic symptoms.

You Can’t Cure it, But You Can Lower The Risk

Asthma can’t be cured, but you can keep your kid’s condition under control by taking preemptive measures like giving him medicines regularly and stop smoking near your child.