How to Help Your Child Stop Bed Wetting

Photo by kaori aoshim on Unsplash

Bed-wetting is a very common occurrence among school-aged kids and children should not be blamed when they suffer from such.

Nocturnal enuresis, or night-time bed wetting, is more often than not, a neurological problem where the child’s brain isn’t sending signals to the bladder to hold in urine while sleeping.

At times though, the problem of sudden-onset wetting could be psychological. Here are some pointers that could help the child with wetting problems:

  1. Consult your pediatrician and have your child examined for any medical issues causing the bed-wetting. Your child may have an infection of the bladder.
  2. Observe your child’s potty habits during the daytime. Constipation may cause your child to wet the bed at night. In such case, give your child more water and foods rich in fiber. Also, remind your child to pee every couple of hours throughout the day can help prevent bed-wetting.
  3. For severe cases, your doctor may prescribe anti-diuretics. But this is a short-term solution to the problem. The drug will turn off the body’s ability to produce urine temporarily. Logically, it might prevent the child from wetting the bed. But stopping the medication would make your child pee again.
  4. Make sure that your child is ready. Some words of encouragement can motivate your child to stop the bed-wetting. In the meantime, let your child wear disposables during night time until that time when he/she will tell you that he/she doesn’t need the disposables.