Hidden Facts About Specially Gifted Children

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Parents always find it difficult to know if their child is gifted. Dr. Wendy Hirsch Weiner is the founder and principal of conservatory Prep Schools. She had previously worked with gifted children and here is what she said you need to know if your kid is gifted.

Good problem solvers

Children that are very good at solving complex problems are gifted. They are capable of hearing different concepts, ideas, things, and make the right connection.

Very sensitive

If your child is very sensitive in such a way that they don’t love loud noises or crowds, and prefer to be alone, it could be a sign that he is gifted. These children take more time to respond to questions as they want to get the right answers.

Difficulty making friends

Some of the gifted children struggle to get friends. They are very sensitive that makes it hard to make friends. Although they really want to have friends, they don’t know how to go about doing it.

Not good at small talk

Another notable behavior of gifted children is they skip the small talk and go straight to talking complicated topics. They find it hard to have the small talk during social gatherings.


If your child is complaining of being bored, you will need to pay attention. Gifted kids cover up other frustrations by pretending to be bored.

Very creative

Gifted children always seek out different answers to a problem. If your child is bringing up new ideas and has multiple answers to every problem, you may have a gifted kid.