Helping Your Child Pick Healthy Meals at School

Photo by Dose Juice on Unsplash

Packing your child’s lunchbox is sometimes healthier than letting the child buy snacks from the canteen. However, if it’s not possible to pack a lunchbox for your child, you can help the child to make healthier choices by following these steps.

Choosing healthy meals from the canteen

These ideas depend on what the canteen is serving. Some include:

Sandwiches, rolls/wraps

Encourage her to choose wholemeal, multigrain, or high fiber white sandwich. The filling should include lean chicken, salad, beef, eggs or fish.

Cold food

This option is also excellent for kids. Some examples include fresh salads, riper paper rolls, and sushi.

Hot food

Some of these meals include

  • Veggies and lentil hotpot
  • Fresh soup with bread rolls
  • Lasagna and pasta with fresh tomatoes
  • Chicken or beef curry, veggies with rice
  • Noodles or rice with lean meat and veggies


Your child can also opt for healthy snacks from the canteen. Some include:

  • Whole fruit or fruit salad
  • Air popped popcorn
  • Low-fat yogurt
  • Veggie sticks with dip
  • Reduces fat cheese with wholemeal crackers or pita
  • Boiled eggs
  • Fruit bread or raisins

You can also pack tap water in a bottle for the child to drink. It is easily refillable all through the day. It is a lot cheaper and healthier than buying sugary drinks. If the child has to buy drinks from the canteen, then soy drinks are ideal.