Sarika B, Author at Wed, 16 Sep 2020 13:25:40 +0000 en-US hourly 1 6 Frustrating Stages of Getting Rid of Lice Thu, 20 Feb 2020 08:06:00 +0000 If you’ve noticed your child scratching his head incessantly, then it might be a good idea to check the hair for lice. This is common among children and it spreads easily. All parents go through these different stages in getting rid of lice: Seeing the lice So you’re brushing your child’s hair and you notice […]

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If you’ve noticed your child scratching his head incessantly, then it might be a good idea to check the hair for lice. This is common among children and it spreads easily. All parents go through these different stages in getting rid of lice:

Seeing the lice

So you’re brushing your child’s hair and you notice something moving. You start to panic and as you see lice scampering about in your child’s scalp.


No parent wants to see lice in their child’s hair so you might dismiss it as dandruff or something else.


Of course, you won’t stop until you find out the truth. When you do, you feel the horror as you realize that your child, indeed, has lice.

Your scalp starts to itch

As soon as you spot the first real proof of an infestation, your scalp will start to itch as well. In fact, merely reading this article will make your scalp itch.

Accept it and do something about it

After you’ve overcome the previous stages, you finally accept that your child has lice. Then you start doing something to get rid of the pests.

FAKTA: Kutu rambut menghisap darah manusia setiap 2-3 jam dalam sehari untuk bertahan hidup dengan cara menusukan bagian mulutnya ke kulit kepala, kuturambut menginjeksi air liurnya untuk membuat darah menjadi encer sehingga mudah untuk di hisap. Hal itu mengakibatkan gatal yang luar biasa pada kulit kepala kita. Segera berantas kutu rambut dengan LissaQu dan Shampo Fayolla Sepaket obat kutu ini terbukti ampuh berantas kutu. Jangan tunda tunda, sebelum kutu menyebar kemana mana. Info Pemesanan Wa 081917336650 #bebaskutu #pembasmikuturambut #produkbebaspestisida #produkkuturambut #obatkuturambut #kuturambutuntukanak #bebaspestisida #obatkutu #pembasmikutu #pembasmikuturambutanak #obatkutuanak #headlice #headlicetreatment #obatkuturambutaman #kuturambut #kuturambutanak #obatkutuanak #shampokutu #shampoantikutu #sepaketobatkutu #obatkutupamekasan #obatkutumadura #obatkutuampuh #shampofayollamadura #lissaqupamekasan #shampoantikutupamekasan

A post shared by 🏡 Toko Nurul Herbal (@toko_nurulherbal) on

Keep on combing

The eggs of lice are small, clingy, and located close to your child’s scalp. So you need to start using a special comb to get rid of them all.

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Ideas for Creative, Healthy School Lunches Wed, 22 Jan 2020 13:21:49 +0000 As parents, we know the feeling – our children complain about the “boring” lunches we pack. There is more to a school lunch than the traditional sandwich. Here are some innovative ideas: Make your own “pizza” Make up small containers of crackers, pizza sauce, cheese, pepperoni, grapes, and almonds. Put the containers in the lunch […]

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As parents, we know the feeling – our children complain about the “boring” lunches we pack. There is more to a school lunch than the traditional sandwich. Here are some innovative ideas:

Make your own “pizza”

Make up small containers of crackers, pizza sauce, cheese, pepperoni, grapes, and almonds. Put the containers in the lunch box and let your child ‘make their own lunch.’

Pinwheel sandwiches

A visual variation on the good old sandwich, a pinwheel sandwich is rolled and sliced to create an effective new look.

Pizza kebab

Take regular pizza ingredients such as cocktail tomatoes, pieces of peppers, slices of pepperoni, blocks of mozzarella cheese, and olives. Put them together on a kebab stick.

Sandwich kebabs

Make a PB&J sandwich as usual and cut it into small squares. Have some fruit such as strawberries as well.  Put the small sandwich squares and fruit onto a kebab stick.

Try the bento box

Originally from Japan, the bento box offers single portion compartments in the container. Fill the compartments with leftovers, fruit, or nuts to create a personalized buffet.

Sandwich Fillings

If you stick to sandwiches, try original fillings you can search for online.

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How to keep your child cyber safe Thu, 16 Jan 2020 15:16:46 +0000 In this age of smartphones and tablets, we parents have legitimate concerns about the potential dangers of internet use for our children. We certainly don’t want our child to become a victim of cyberbullying or of some dangerous, predatory character. So how do we keep our children safe? Here are some basic steps you can […]

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In this age of smartphones and tablets, we parents have legitimate concerns about the potential dangers of internet use for our children. We certainly don’t want our child to become a victim of cyberbullying or of some dangerous, predatory character.

So how do we keep our children safe? Here are some basic steps you can take to keep your child safer:

Communicate & set down the rules

Talk to your children about the dangers of the internet, and about appropriate behavior. Tell them you will be monitoring their internet and cell phone activity at all times for their protection.

Ban computers from the bedroom

Any device that has internet access belongs in the family communal space to allow close monitoring of what your child is doing online.

Install a monitoring program

There are lots of monitoring programs available to which you can subscribe to block certain kinds of websites, and record all device history. Some programs will alert you to suspicious activity, and some even allow you to see what your child is doing online in real time.

Friend them

Insist that your child allows you to ‘Friend’ them on social media, and make sure you know all their passwords.

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How to eat out with kids Fri, 13 Dec 2019 10:47:54 +0000 When you become a parent, you usually have to say goodbye, at least temporarily, to those late nights out on the town. But that doesn’t mean to say you can’t eat out. It just means you have to use a bit of strategy. It looks like @nadabie has got this whole eating out with baby […]

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When you become a parent, you usually have to say goodbye, at least temporarily, to those late nights out on the town. But that doesn’t mean to say you can’t eat out. It just means you have to use a bit of strategy.

Choose your restaurant wisely

The restaurant you choose needs to be family-friendly so that noisiness and playful children won’t be a problem. That doesn’t mean you’re stuck with McDonald’s.

Ask other parents where they take their kids. Before you book a table, check the menu for children’s dishes your kids are likely to enjoy.

Order immediately

Children usually need to eat quickly, so order something as soon as you are seated. You could also ask for bread rolls for them to snack on instead. This will prevent a hunger meltdown.

Bring food with you

Another meltdown-preventer is bringing some of your own food to the restaurant. Vegetable sticks, crackers, and cheese are good standby foods.

Ask for the check

When your food is served, ask for the check in case you need to leave quickly. Tell the kids they’ll get dessert at home if they behave well.

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Mind-blowing Hacks for Parenting Messy Kids Wed, 23 Oct 2019 07:32:35 +0000 If you’re a parent to messy kids, here are some ideas to make cleaning up that much easier, saving you time and money. Fix jeans and save Jeans can take a beating if they’re worn by kids. If you’re faced with torn jeans, it’s time to consult Pinterest. They have loads of easy tutorials on […]

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If you’re a parent to messy kids, here are some ideas to make cleaning up that much easier, saving you time and money.

Fix jeans and save

Jeans can take a beating if they’re worn by kids. If you’re faced with torn jeans, it’s time to consult Pinterest. They have loads of easy tutorials on how to patch up jeans by sewing on pieces of fabric.

You not only save money on a new pair of jeans, but you end up with a unique pair of jeans that no-one else has.

Not the prettiest mend, but it’ll do. #patchwork #mending #sewing #kidsjeans #denim

A post shared by Sarah Aranha (@sarah.aranha) on

Prevention is better than cure

When kids eat ice pops, chances are they make quite a mess of everything with their sticky little hands going all over the place. You can end up with melted ice pop all over the furniture and your child.

Why not make a hole in the middle of a paper bowl and place the ice pop inside? That way the child’s hands stay clean, and so does everything else.

MR WHIPPY 🍦 #marloeats

A post shared by Marlo Eats (@marloeats) on

Get organized

If your kids have their toys and accessories strewn all over the house, why not get them to help make a toy and accessory organizer using recycled materials?

Ini tutorial storage mainannya ya bu ibuk.. bahannya cuma kardus bekas, kain katun & toples kue bekas.. lemnya aku pake lem tembak mix sama lem Korea ( lem alteco ). Yuk cobain.. . 1. Potong kardus ukuran sesuaikan untuk 3 pcs toples kurang lebih panjang 24cm lebar 16 tinggi 8cm. 2.rakit & lem dengan lem tembak mix lem alteco. 3. Letakkan kotak diatas kain. 4. Potong sudut2nya sampai ke ujung sudut kotak. . 5. Lipat bagian panjang ke dalam kotak. Lem dengan lem tembak dibagian dalamnya. 6. Lakukan hal yg sam untuk sisi panjang satunya. 7. Lipat segitiga siku seperti pict No. 7 8. Lakukan hal yg sama untuk segitiga sebelah kanan. 9. Potong ujung kelebihan segitiga bagian ujungnya. 10. Lipat kedalam kotak. Lem dengan lem tembak. 11. Buat alas dan Lapisi dengan kain. 12. Masukkan alas ke dalam kotak. . 13. Buat pegangan tutup toples dari mainan anak (hewan2) lem bagian bawahnya dengan 3M. 14. Rekatkan ke tutup toples untuk memudahkan anak untuk membuka & menutup. 15. 16. Storage siap digunakan. . 😍 . . . . . #kardusbekas #temankreatif #kotakorganizer #cardboardbox #uploaddiy #diyproject #cardboard #diy #diykardusbekas #inspirasidiy #diytutorial #idekreatif #bebikinan #tutorialcraft #homesweethome #homedecor #kreatif_ide #kotakmainan #organizer #toplesbekas #topleskue #toysorganizer #toysstorage #storage #storagebox

A post shared by Tutorial DIY (@elyza_momelray) on

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How to Get Your Toddler to Sleep Tue, 15 Oct 2019 07:29:48 +0000 Sleeping problems in babies are very common, but they can persist or arise in toddlers and school-age children as well. Experts agree that there’s two essential factors that make the difference: a consistent bed-time routine, and making sure the child is tired enough to go to sleep. Read on for some ideas on how to […]

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Sleeping problems in babies are very common, but they can persist or arise in toddlers and school-age children as well. Experts agree that there’s two essential factors that make the difference: a consistent bed-time routine, and making sure the child is tired enough to go to sleep. Read on for some ideas on how to get your child to sleep …

Tire the child out during the day with lots of outside play and plenty of physical exercises. This will deal with frustration and stress and will lead to deeper sleep.

Don’t let the child exercise in the last hour before bed-time. This will hype the child up instead of calming down.

Establish a bed-time routine that leads to the child going to bed and going to sleep. Do the same things every night to establish the habit. Give the child a snack, a bath, and have them brush their teeth and visit the bathroom. Then have the child get into bed where you or your partner read them a bed-time story. Use a timer to mark the end of the routine. Turn the lights down and remember to be consistent.

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About to Give Birth? Don’t Leave These 3 Items Out of your Hospital Bag Sun, 01 Sep 2019 07:35:25 +0000 Giving birth in a hospital is safe and all, but ask any mom and they’ll tell you a hospital stay gets uncomfortable pretty fast. Luckily, there are items you can carry to the hospital to ease you stay as you welcome your baby. Comfortable footwear If you’re healthy enough to walk after the birth, you’ll […]

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Giving birth in a hospital is safe and all, but ask any mom and they’ll tell you a hospital stay gets uncomfortable pretty fast. Luckily, there are items you can carry to the hospital to ease you stay as you welcome your baby.

Comfortable footwear

If you’re healthy enough to walk after the birth, you’ll find that you need your own shoes or slippers to walk around because most hospitals don’t offer any. The room floors get dirty quickly with all those people moving in and out so you have no option.

Quick snacks

Hospital meals are offered during set hours, but they aren’t always conducive for breastfeeding moms. It’s smart to pack some snacks along in your hospital bag for those hours between meal time unless you’re ready to face the hunger.

Your own pads

Hospitals offer you pads after the birth alright, but they are large, heavy and quite frankly, uncomfortable. You’ll want to carry your own pads from home, the type you’re comfortable with.

Reading materials

There will be a TV in your hospital room but not much to watch, especially in the wee hours of the night when you find yourself unable to sleep because of the baby. All the more reason to pack those magazines and novels.

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Illnesses Your Kid Picks Up In School Wed, 28 Nov 2018 06:51:29 +0000 FREE EBOOK FREE Ebook.docx It’s very important that you take preventive measures when the flu season starts if you want to help your kid not to get sick. These illnesses are the ones you must take care of the most as they are the most common illnesses that your kid can pick up in school. Flu […]

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It’s very important that you take preventive measures when the flu season starts if you want to help your kid not to get sick. These illnesses are the ones you must take care of the most as they are the most common illnesses that your kid can pick up in school.


This is one of the most common diseases and we kind of get used to it, but don’t underestimate it because the flu can be very dangerous if not treated right. Get your kid vaccinated on time and you will greatly reduce the risk of your child getting sick from an influenza virus.


Colds are also known as rhinoviruses, which are tiny infectious organisms that can live on surfaces for hours. These microorganisms tend to enter the lining of the nose and throat and then multiply and grow. Make sure your child washes its hands properly often.

Pink eye

Or conjunctivitis can be caused by a bacterial or viral infection or by allergies and pollutants such as smoke, chemicals in cosmetics. Remind your child not to touch its eyes with dirty hands as it can get this disease by touching someone who is already infected.

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Your kids will eat anything after this Sat, 24 Nov 2018 15:21:23 +0000 Recently, I went out to lunch with friends and their small son. I was amazed to see he ate absolutely anything put in front of him. This intrigued me after having witnessed other small children who are a big struggle to feed. I ask my friends how they managed it, and this is the advice […]

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Recently, I went out to lunch with friends and their small son. I was amazed to see he ate absolutely anything put in front of him.

This intrigued me after having witnessed other small children who are a big struggle to feed. I ask my friends how they managed it, and this is the advice they gave.

Sitting down at the dinner table with the rest of the family is non-negotiable. And no-one can leave unless someone has finished their meal.

We tried for a family photo 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 #grandgeneva #dinnerwithkids #sprngbreak

A post shared by Erika Gartner (@ecgartner) on

Let the child try different things.

#dinnerwithfamily #thatcherorion #nomnom #instafood #instababyboy #mymini 🍅🧀🍝👶🏼 @oheyitstef

A post shared by Eric Neer (@chuc_mcgaugh) on

He or she is likely to pull a funny face when tasting lots of things for the first time, but if you let your child taste your food and drink, they’ll be less curious about it and move on.

Make being at the dining table fun. Drop your phone and focus on the child, and have fun with your food.

This will encourage him or her to look forward to mealtimes and try everything that is offered.

Don’t force the child to eat. It makes for a very angry little person. If the child won’t eat something, put it to one side for a while and try offering it to them later.

I thought these things just dont happen ? 🥦 #kideatingbroccoli

A post shared by MrsHirst3 (@mrshirst3) on

Offer properly-seasoned, tasty meals, and avoid the bland.

The humble yogurt bowl makes it to our breakfast table weekly — it’s perfect for those days I need a filling, nourishing meal in a flash ⚡. We opt for organic, grass-fed whole milk yogurt and today it’s topped with: ✳ strawberries ✳ banana ✳ frozen wild blueberries ✳ rawnola* ✳ bee pollen ✳ spirulina powder Rawnola is a mixture of nuts, seeds, and dried fruit that’s been pulsed in a food processor until crumbly – it’s the grain-free, no-cook cousin of granola! . Spirulina helps get some 🌿green🌿 in an otherwise vegetable-less meal, so I sprinkle it overtop ✨. It makes the yogurt a fun color too! For more ways to 🆙 the veg&green intake in your fam’s meals, check out my takeover happening now over @kiddobloom! Don’t they just have the cutest, most functional kids’ utensils?! Be sure to show ‘em some love while you’re checking out my posts over on their feed 💚🐸💚! . . #grainfreeliving #rawnola #spirulina #breakfastbowl #yogurtbowl #eattherainbow🌈 #feedingmyfamily #realfoodfamily #cleaneatingforlife #momstuff #sahmlife #funwithfood #fussyeater #feedingkids #superhealthykids #balancedmeals #foods4thought #bowlfood #eatwellfeelwell #igtakeover

A post shared by Megan 👩‍🌾 Mama Makes Food (@mamamakesfood) on

And always remember to lead by example.

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Effective Ways To Help Baby’s Speech Development Sun, 02 Sep 2018 06:16:28 +0000 FREE Ebook.docxFREE EBOOK Your baby is very dependent on your reactions to its efforts at language learning and you have a key role in your baby’s speech development. You should engage your child in the process of learning by capturing its attention and motivating it. You can use these methods to help encourage your baby’s […]

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Your baby is very dependent on your reactions to its efforts at language learning and you have a key role in your baby’s speech development. You should engage your child in the process of learning by capturing its attention and motivating it.

You can use these methods to help encourage your baby’s language–learning efforts.

Play games such as peekaboo or patty cake

These games increase the efficiency of language learning activities and help your child advance language.

Attach energy with words

Be enthusiastic while showing your child certain items which names your child still needs to learn. Say the names of those words with great enthusiasm and that should help your child connect the item and its name more quickly.

Talk with your child a lot

Talk to your child about various things, make it enter a conversation with you to stimulate its expressive skills.

Categorize things

Put your child’s toys together and then ask your child to identify each toy or any other item you decided to put before your child. This is a great exercise for your child as it makes your child remember the names and then practically use what it has learned.

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ersion="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> Sarika B, Author at Wed, 16 Sep 2020 13:25:40 +0000 en-US hourly 1 6 Frustrating Stages of Getting Rid of Lice Thu, 20 Feb 2020 08:06:00 +0000 If you’ve noticed your child scratching his head incessantly, then it might be a good idea to check the hair for lice. This is common among children and it spreads easily. All parents go through these different stages in getting rid of lice: Seeing the lice So you’re brushing your child’s hair and you notice […]

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If you’ve noticed your child scratching his head incessantly, then it might be a good idea to check the hair for lice. This is common among children and it spreads easily. All parents go through these different stages in getting rid of lice:

Seeing the lice

So you’re brushing your child’s hair and you notice something moving. You start to panic and as you see lice scampering about in your child’s scalp.


No parent wants to see lice in their child’s hair so you might dismiss it as dandruff or something else.


Of course, you won’t stop until you find out the truth. When you do, you feel the horror as you realize that your child, indeed, has lice.

Your scalp starts to itch

As soon as you spot the first real proof of an infestation, your scalp will start to itch as well. In fact, merely reading this article will make your scalp itch.

Accept it and do something about it

After you’ve overcome the previous stages, you finally accept that your child has lice. Then you start doing something to get rid of the pests.

FAKTA: Kutu rambut menghisap darah manusia setiap 2-3 jam dalam sehari untuk bertahan hidup dengan cara menusukan bagian mulutnya ke kulit kepala, kuturambut menginjeksi air liurnya untuk membuat darah menjadi encer sehingga mudah untuk di hisap. Hal itu mengakibatkan gatal yang luar biasa pada kulit kepala kita. Segera berantas kutu rambut dengan LissaQu dan Shampo Fayolla Sepaket obat kutu ini terbukti ampuh berantas kutu. Jangan tunda tunda, sebelum kutu menyebar kemana mana. Info Pemesanan Wa 081917336650 #bebaskutu #pembasmikuturambut #produkbebaspestisida #produkkuturambut #obatkuturambut #kuturambutuntukanak #bebaspestisida #obatkutu #pembasmikutu #pembasmikuturambutanak #obatkutuanak #headlice #headlicetreatment #obatkuturambutaman #kuturambut #kuturambutanak #obatkutuanak #shampokutu #shampoantikutu #sepaketobatkutu #obatkutupamekasan #obatkutumadura #obatkutuampuh #shampofayollamadura #lissaqupamekasan #shampoantikutupamekasan

A post shared by 🏡 Toko Nurul Herbal (@toko_nurulherbal) on

Keep on combing

The eggs of lice are small, clingy, and located close to your child’s scalp. So you need to start using a special comb to get rid of them all.

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Ideas for Creative, Healthy School Lunches Wed, 22 Jan 2020 13:21:49 +0000 As parents, we know the feeling – our children complain about the “boring” lunches we pack. There is more to a school lunch than the traditional sandwich. Here are some innovative ideas: Make your own “pizza” Make up small containers of crackers, pizza sauce, cheese, pepperoni, grapes, and almonds. Put the containers in the lunch […]

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As parents, we know the feeling – our children complain about the “boring” lunches we pack. There is more to a school lunch than the traditional sandwich. Here are some innovative ideas:

Make your own “pizza”

Make up small containers of crackers, pizza sauce, cheese, pepperoni, grapes, and almonds. Put the containers in the lunch box and let your child ‘make their own lunch.’

Pinwheel sandwiches

A visual variation on the good old sandwich, a pinwheel sandwich is rolled and sliced to create an effective new look.

Pizza kebab

Take regular pizza ingredients such as cocktail tomatoes, pieces of peppers, slices of pepperoni, blocks of mozzarella cheese, and olives. Put them together on a kebab stick.

Sandwich kebabs

Make a PB&J sandwich as usual and cut it into small squares. Have some fruit such as strawberries as well.  Put the small sandwich squares and fruit onto a kebab stick.

Try the bento box

Originally from Japan, the bento box offers single portion compartments in the container. Fill the compartments with leftovers, fruit, or nuts to create a personalized buffet.

Sandwich Fillings

If you stick to sandwiches, try original fillings you can search for online.

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How to keep your child cyber safe Thu, 16 Jan 2020 15:16:46 +0000 In this age of smartphones and tablets, we parents have legitimate concerns about the potential dangers of internet use for our children. We certainly don’t want our child to become a victim of cyberbullying or of some dangerous, predatory character. So how do we keep our children safe? Here are some basic steps you can […]

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In this age of smartphones and tablets, we parents have legitimate concerns about the potential dangers of internet use for our children. We certainly don’t want our child to become a victim of cyberbullying or of some dangerous, predatory character.

So how do we keep our children safe? Here are some basic steps you can take to keep your child safer:

Communicate & set down the rules

Talk to your children about the dangers of the internet, and about appropriate behavior. Tell them you will be monitoring their internet and cell phone activity at all times for their protection.

Ban computers from the bedroom

Any device that has internet access belongs in the family communal space to allow close monitoring of what your child is doing online.

Install a monitoring program

There are lots of monitoring programs available to which you can subscribe to block certain kinds of websites, and record all device history. Some programs will alert you to suspicious activity, and some even allow you to see what your child is doing online in real time.

Friend them

Insist that your child allows you to ‘Friend’ them on social media, and make sure you know all their passwords.

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How to eat out with kids Fri, 13 Dec 2019 10:47:54 +0000 When you become a parent, you usually have to say goodbye, at least temporarily, to those late nights out on the town. But that doesn’t mean to say you can’t eat out. It just means you have to use a bit of strategy. It looks like @nadabie has got this whole eating out with baby […]

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When you become a parent, you usually have to say goodbye, at least temporarily, to those late nights out on the town. But that doesn’t mean to say you can’t eat out. It just means you have to use a bit of strategy.

Choose your restaurant wisely

The restaurant you choose needs to be family-friendly so that noisiness and playful children won’t be a problem. That doesn’t mean you’re stuck with McDonald’s.

Ask other parents where they take their kids. Before you book a table, check the menu for children’s dishes your kids are likely to enjoy.

Order immediately

Children usually need to eat quickly, so order something as soon as you are seated. You could also ask for bread rolls for them to snack on instead. This will prevent a hunger meltdown.

Bring food with you

Another meltdown-preventer is bringing some of your own food to the restaurant. Vegetable sticks, crackers, and cheese are good standby foods.

Ask for the check

When your food is served, ask for the check in case you need to leave quickly. Tell the kids they’ll get dessert at home if they behave well.

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Mind-blowing Hacks for Parenting Messy Kids Wed, 23 Oct 2019 07:32:35 +0000 If you’re a parent to messy kids, here are some ideas to make cleaning up that much easier, saving you time and money. Fix jeans and save Jeans can take a beating if they’re worn by kids. If you’re faced with torn jeans, it’s time to consult Pinterest. They have loads of easy tutorials on […]

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If you’re a parent to messy kids, here are some ideas to make cleaning up that much easier, saving you time and money.

Fix jeans and save

Jeans can take a beating if they’re worn by kids. If you’re faced with torn jeans, it’s time to consult Pinterest. They have loads of easy tutorials on how to patch up jeans by sewing on pieces of fabric.

You not only save money on a new pair of jeans, but you end up with a unique pair of jeans that no-one else has.

Not the prettiest mend, but it’ll do. #patchwork #mending #sewing #kidsjeans #denim

A post shared by Sarah Aranha (@sarah.aranha) on

Prevention is better than cure

When kids eat ice pops, chances are they make quite a mess of everything with their sticky little hands going all over the place. You can end up with melted ice pop all over the furniture and your child.

Why not make a hole in the middle of a paper bowl and place the ice pop inside? That way the child’s hands stay clean, and so does everything else.

MR WHIPPY 🍦 #marloeats

A post shared by Marlo Eats (@marloeats) on

Get organized

If your kids have their toys and accessories strewn all over the house, why not get them to help make a toy and accessory organizer using recycled materials?

Ini tutorial storage mainannya ya bu ibuk.. bahannya cuma kardus bekas, kain katun & toples kue bekas.. lemnya aku pake lem tembak mix sama lem Korea ( lem alteco ). Yuk cobain.. . 1. Potong kardus ukuran sesuaikan untuk 3 pcs toples kurang lebih panjang 24cm lebar 16 tinggi 8cm. 2.rakit & lem dengan lem tembak mix lem alteco. 3. Letakkan kotak diatas kain. 4. Potong sudut2nya sampai ke ujung sudut kotak. . 5. Lipat bagian panjang ke dalam kotak. Lem dengan lem tembak dibagian dalamnya. 6. Lakukan hal yg sam untuk sisi panjang satunya. 7. Lipat segitiga siku seperti pict No. 7 8. Lakukan hal yg sama untuk segitiga sebelah kanan. 9. Potong ujung kelebihan segitiga bagian ujungnya. 10. Lipat kedalam kotak. Lem dengan lem tembak. 11. Buat alas dan Lapisi dengan kain. 12. Masukkan alas ke dalam kotak. . 13. Buat pegangan tutup toples dari mainan anak (hewan2) lem bagian bawahnya dengan 3M. 14. Rekatkan ke tutup toples untuk memudahkan anak untuk membuka & menutup. 15. 16. Storage siap digunakan. . 😍 . . . . . #kardusbekas #temankreatif #kotakorganizer #cardboardbox #uploaddiy #diyproject #cardboard #diy #diykardusbekas #inspirasidiy #diytutorial #idekreatif #bebikinan #tutorialcraft #homesweethome #homedecor #kreatif_ide #kotakmainan #organizer #toplesbekas #topleskue #toysorganizer #toysstorage #storage #storagebox

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How to Get Your Toddler to Sleep Tue, 15 Oct 2019 07:29:48 +0000 Sleeping problems in babies are very common, but they can persist or arise in toddlers and school-age children as well. Experts agree that there’s two essential factors that make the difference: a consistent bed-time routine, and making sure the child is tired enough to go to sleep. Read on for some ideas on how to […]

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Sleeping problems in babies are very common, but they can persist or arise in toddlers and school-age children as well. Experts agree that there’s two essential factors that make the difference: a consistent bed-time routine, and making sure the child is tired enough to go to sleep. Read on for some ideas on how to get your child to sleep …

Tire the child out during the day with lots of outside play and plenty of physical exercises. This will deal with frustration and stress and will lead to deeper sleep.

Don’t let the child exercise in the last hour before bed-time. This will hype the child up instead of calming down.

Establish a bed-time routine that leads to the child going to bed and going to sleep. Do the same things every night to establish the habit. Give the child a snack, a bath, and have them brush their teeth and visit the bathroom. Then have the child get into bed where you or your partner read them a bed-time story. Use a timer to mark the end of the routine. Turn the lights down and remember to be consistent.

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About to Give Birth? Don’t Leave These 3 Items Out of your Hospital Bag Sun, 01 Sep 2019 07:35:25 +0000 Giving birth in a hospital is safe and all, but ask any mom and they’ll tell you a hospital stay gets uncomfortable pretty fast. Luckily, there are items you can carry to the hospital to ease you stay as you welcome your baby. Comfortable footwear If you’re healthy enough to walk after the birth, you’ll […]

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Giving birth in a hospital is safe and all, but ask any mom and they’ll tell you a hospital stay gets uncomfortable pretty fast. Luckily, there are items you can carry to the hospital to ease you stay as you welcome your baby.

Comfortable footwear

If you’re healthy enough to walk after the birth, you’ll find that you need your own shoes or slippers to walk around because most hospitals don’t offer any. The room floors get dirty quickly with all those people moving in and out so you have no option.

Quick snacks

Hospital meals are offered during set hours, but they aren’t always conducive for breastfeeding moms. It’s smart to pack some snacks along in your hospital bag for those hours between meal time unless you’re ready to face the hunger.

Your own pads

Hospitals offer you pads after the birth alright, but they are large, heavy and quite frankly, uncomfortable. You’ll want to carry your own pads from home, the type you’re comfortable with.

Reading materials

There will be a TV in your hospital room but not much to watch, especially in the wee hours of the night when you find yourself unable to sleep because of the baby. All the more reason to pack those magazines and novels.

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Illnesses Your Kid Picks Up In School Wed, 28 Nov 2018 06:51:29 +0000 FREE EBOOK FREE Ebook.docx It’s very important that you take preventive measures when the flu season starts if you want to help your kid not to get sick. These illnesses are the ones you must take care of the most as they are the most common illnesses that your kid can pick up in school. Flu […]

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It’s very important that you take preventive measures when the flu season starts if you want to help your kid not to get sick. These illnesses are the ones you must take care of the most as they are the most common illnesses that your kid can pick up in school.


This is one of the most common diseases and we kind of get used to it, but don’t underestimate it because the flu can be very dangerous if not treated right. Get your kid vaccinated on time and you will greatly reduce the risk of your child getting sick from an influenza virus.


Colds are also known as rhinoviruses, which are tiny infectious organisms that can live on surfaces for hours. These microorganisms tend to enter the lining of the nose and throat and then multiply and grow. Make sure your child washes its hands properly often.

Pink eye

Or conjunctivitis can be caused by a bacterial or viral infection or by allergies and pollutants such as smoke, chemicals in cosmetics. Remind your child not to touch its eyes with dirty hands as it can get this disease by touching someone who is already infected.

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Your kids will eat anything after this Sat, 24 Nov 2018 15:21:23 +0000 Recently, I went out to lunch with friends and their small son. I was amazed to see he ate absolutely anything put in front of him. This intrigued me after having witnessed other small children who are a big struggle to feed. I ask my friends how they managed it, and this is the advice […]

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Recently, I went out to lunch with friends and their small son. I was amazed to see he ate absolutely anything put in front of him.

This intrigued me after having witnessed other small children who are a big struggle to feed. I ask my friends how they managed it, and this is the advice they gave.

Sitting down at the dinner table with the rest of the family is non-negotiable. And no-one can leave unless someone has finished their meal.

We tried for a family photo 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 #grandgeneva #dinnerwithkids #sprngbreak

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Let the child try different things.

#dinnerwithfamily #thatcherorion #nomnom #instafood #instababyboy #mymini 🍅🧀🍝👶🏼 @oheyitstef

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He or she is likely to pull a funny face when tasting lots of things for the first time, but if you let your child taste your food and drink, they’ll be less curious about it and move on.

Make being at the dining table fun. Drop your phone and focus on the child, and have fun with your food.

This will encourage him or her to look forward to mealtimes and try everything that is offered.

Don’t force the child to eat. It makes for a very angry little person. If the child won’t eat something, put it to one side for a while and try offering it to them later.

I thought these things just dont happen ? 🥦 #kideatingbroccoli

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Offer properly-seasoned, tasty meals, and avoid the bland.

The humble yogurt bowl makes it to our breakfast table weekly — it’s perfect for those days I need a filling, nourishing meal in a flash ⚡. We opt for organic, grass-fed whole milk yogurt and today it’s topped with: ✳ strawberries ✳ banana ✳ frozen wild blueberries ✳ rawnola* ✳ bee pollen ✳ spirulina powder Rawnola is a mixture of nuts, seeds, and dried fruit that’s been pulsed in a food processor until crumbly – it’s the grain-free, no-cook cousin of granola! . Spirulina helps get some 🌿green🌿 in an otherwise vegetable-less meal, so I sprinkle it overtop ✨. It makes the yogurt a fun color too! For more ways to 🆙 the veg&green intake in your fam’s meals, check out my takeover happening now over @kiddobloom! Don’t they just have the cutest, most functional kids’ utensils?! Be sure to show ‘em some love while you’re checking out my posts over on their feed 💚🐸💚! . . #grainfreeliving #rawnola #spirulina #breakfastbowl #yogurtbowl #eattherainbow🌈 #feedingmyfamily #realfoodfamily #cleaneatingforlife #momstuff #sahmlife #funwithfood #fussyeater #feedingkids #superhealthykids #balancedmeals #foods4thought #bowlfood #eatwellfeelwell #igtakeover

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And always remember to lead by example.

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Effective Ways To Help Baby’s Speech Development Sun, 02 Sep 2018 06:16:28 +0000 FREE Ebook.docxFREE EBOOK Your baby is very dependent on your reactions to its efforts at language learning and you have a key role in your baby’s speech development. You should engage your child in the process of learning by capturing its attention and motivating it. You can use these methods to help encourage your baby’s […]

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Your baby is very dependent on your reactions to its efforts at language learning and you have a key role in your baby’s speech development. You should engage your child in the process of learning by capturing its attention and motivating it.

You can use these methods to help encourage your baby’s language–learning efforts.

Play games such as peekaboo or patty cake

These games increase the efficiency of language learning activities and help your child advance language.

Attach energy with words

Be enthusiastic while showing your child certain items which names your child still needs to learn. Say the names of those words with great enthusiasm and that should help your child connect the item and its name more quickly.

Talk with your child a lot

Talk to your child about various things, make it enter a conversation with you to stimulate its expressive skills.

Categorize things

Put your child’s toys together and then ask your child to identify each toy or any other item you decided to put before your child. This is a great exercise for your child as it makes your child remember the names and then practically use what it has learned.

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