Your Child Should Grow Around Animals

Photo by Alicia Jones on Unsplash

Animals make great friends to both kids and adults. If you love them, you’ll want to give your kids an opportunity to do same. Bonding with animals while kids are young is crucial for various reason. Some of them include:


Kids tend to be more responsible when they grow around animals. This is because of the duties they have to care for the animal. Duties may include feeding the fish, walking the dog or scooping kitty litter.

Compassion and empathy

These positive traits are common in such kids because of the care and attention needed for the pet to stay alive. Pets also show empathy and compassion by how much they love their owners and kids learn from this as well.


Pets can be a source of comfort during difficult times. A hug may be all that is required to heal a broken heart and pets offer it freely. Sometimes, the constant companionship could be what the child needs to deal with the stress or trauma.

Strengthening family bonds

Family bonds are strengthened when everyone loves and cares for a pet. Children watch their parents nurture the pets and copy this behavior. When everyone in the family loves and treasures the animal, it will help strengthen the bond between them.