You Can Allow your Child to Cross the Street Alone at this Age

    Photo by Wang Xi on Unsplash

    When it comes to raising children, there’s just so much to consider. No matter what kind of parenting style you choose to employ, you still have to teach the same life skills. One important skill to teach your child is to cross the street alone.

    Although this is very scary, it’s something that we all need to learn in order to survive. This comes with teaching your child how to do things on his own as he grows up. But at what age should you allow your child to cross the street alone?

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    According to the experts, the earliest age you may allow your child to do this is when he/she is 10 years old.

    At least that’s according to an article entitled “The Overprotected American Child” by the Wall Street Journal. The article also states that overzealous parenting is actually harmful. Educators and psychologists see this parenting style as a factor which contributes to anxiety disorders in kids and young adults. Ironically, overprotecting anxious children actually make their condition worse!

    Experts say that the best thing you can do for your child is to teach and allow autonomy. Allowing your child to cross the street alone (no matter how scary it may be for you) is a huge milestone. Also, it’s always best to teach your child all he needs to know about crossing the street before allowing him to do so independently.