Tips for Bathing Your Newborn Baby

Photo by Anete Lūsiņa on Unsplash

Bbathing a newborn baby can be quite a challenging task since newborns have delicate bones and you need to be very cautious while soaking them in that warm water.

We will update you with some helpful tips for bathing a newborn baby.

  1. Sponge Bath your Newborn: Opt for a sponge bath until the umbilical cord has fallen off and the navel heals. Wrap your baby in a towel and use a water dampened soft washcloth to clean all parts of their body and clean their genital area after every diaper change.
  2. Bath Tub Bath: Use a small plastic bath tub and give your babies a bath a few times each week. Make sure not to bathe them frequently since it can dry their skin and pick the best time of the day when the baby is not hungry.
  3. Check the Water Temperature: Make sure that the water is neither too cold nor too hot and use lukewarm water to bathe the baby. This is because their skin is more sensitive than adults.
  4. Opt for Tear-Free Bath Products: Consider using mild shampoos and baby washes that are tear-free and as gentle as possible to the skin.

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