Your car is the only place through which you can carry your infant! However, having a car doesn’t mean that your baby will be safe all the time. There are certain considerations to be made and things to be kept in mind so that your baby travels safely and enjoys the ride.
The first thing to keep in mind is that the baby should not be seated directly on car seats. He should be seated on a specific toddler seat that can be availed online. Different types of seats are available.
The next safety tip is to fix your child’s car seat. Many cars provide Isofix technology through which you can belt up the seat of your toddler that provides additional safety and security while driving.
Another safety tip is to ensure that safety belts are not tied too tightly or too loosely. There should be enough space so that you can slide in your hands and cater to the baby when he needs you.
One should mind not to carry an infant in lap while driving. This can not only cause harm to the child but also increases chances of an accident. Always read instructions manual before traveling with baby in a car.