Keeping your Kids Safe While Camping Outdoors

Photo by Daan Weijers on Unsplash

A camping trip is an excellent way to bond as a family while exploring the great outdoors. However, it can be unsafe be kids if they are not prepared. Here are some tips to keep your young ones safe during a camping trip:


It doesn’t matter what season it is; your kids should use sunscreen. Even on a cloudy day, the rays of the sun can burn. Use sunscreen and reapply after about two hours

Wear Hats

Hats are decorative, but they are more than that. Hats are also necessary for all seasons because the child can suffer sunburn on the scalp. Hypothermia is also possible during winter. You can prevent these by covering the child’s head.

Take water

You need to take lots of water for the kids. It prevents fatigue as well as dehydration. Kids over the age of three should hold their water in a backpack to drink often.


Kids often need refueling every two hours at least. If you will be out for a short while, take food for unplanned delays.

Use a whistle

Each child should have a whistle around her neck. Tuck in the whistle so it doesn’t get stuck on anything along the way. Teach the little one to blow if she gets lost. This should only apply to children over 5 years of age. Kids younger than this may not remember the drill.