Important Words and Phrases you Should Keep on Saying to your Children

Photo by Jon Flobrant on Unsplash

Children learn a lot by observing and listening to the people around them, especially their parents. That’s why you should always watch your actions and words so you don’t end up teaching the wrong thing. Although there are so many things parents shouldn’t say to or in front of their kids, there are also some words and phrases they should keep on repeating to their kids.

I Love You

A lot of parents take these words for granted and so they don’t use it too frequently. Yes, showing your child is important but you should also express it with your words.

I Don’t Know

Parents often feel like they must always know everything even though they don’t. Saying these words is perfectly fine and it can be a great opportunity to teach children about learning and researching.


We all want our kids to say “please.” But it will be easier for them to learn this when they hear it from their parents often too.

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Thank You

This is another important phrase parents should keep on repeating to their children. In doing this, saying the phrase will come more naturally to them.

I’m Sorry

A lot of kids don’t like to admit that they’ve made a mistake. But when parents say sorry when they’ve done something wrong, their children will also learn how to say (and do) the same.