How to Stop your Child from Screaming in Public

Image by Chirag Rathod/Flickr

It’s probably happened to everyone. You have your child in tow at the supermarket, and when you say they can’t have that toy or treat, the child starts screaming their head off. It’s hugely embarrassing, and you know it’s irritating other customers. So how can you stop your child when they start to scream in public?

Stop what you’re doing

Turn your attention to your child. Are they screaming in pain, or are they upset or excited?

Get down to their level

Squat on your haunches so that you’re at eye-level with the child. This makes the child feel acknowledged and allows you to work out what’s going on. The problem might be easy to solve.

Model the behavior you want from your child

Lower your voice to almost a whisper, slow down, and smile. This might make the child stop screaming just so that they can hear what you’re saying.

Try to solve the problem

If the child is hungry, give them something to eat. If upset, find out why and console them. Sometimes a child will calm down if you sing them a familiar song.