How to Choose the Right Stroller for You

Photo by Micael Widell on Unsplash

As a new parent, you may think all strollers are the same. But this is not true. Strollers are not equal. You need to consider your needs before buying one.

Here are some considerations by baby’s age:

Newborns need support

Supporting your baby’s head is a lot of work. If you want to get a stroller for your newborn, find one that supports her head. The stroller should recline with the baby’s head supported. You may find these features in high-end strollers.

Kids older than 3 months need safety

When a baby can support her head, your trips may become more frequent. Now you need to be more safety conscious.

Consider these questions to determine if the stroller gives you the safety features, you require:

  • Does it have a brake to keep it still while on a sloppy area?
  • Does it allow the parent to see the baby while walking?
  • Does it provide adequate shade?
  • Does it take time to be folded and stowed in the trunk?

A one-year-old needs security

A child of this age may be more restless than usual. So you need a secure stroller that keeps the baby in place. Some kids may become escape artists at a young age, so get ready to anticipate these moves and block them.

Everyone needs convenience

Toddlers may not be interesting in escaping from the stroller, so they need convenience. Umbrella strollers are ideal here. They are light and small for easy storage.