Adulting 101: Life Skills Everyone Should Know By High School

Photo by Sammie Vasquez on Unsplash

Millenials are notorious for not knowing how to ‘adult’. Parents are becoming more and more concerned about their children being able to do everyday things. Here’s a list of life skills every child should know by the time they reach high school.

Meals And More

It’s really surprising that some adults don’t know how to cook even the most simple meals. Eating is essential to life, yet some people rely solely on other resources for food. Don’t let your child go through life thinking a Big Mac is the only way to keep from starving.

Knowing how to cook will reduce the risk of heart disease and other common health issues related to food. Not only that, you don’t want your child coming over for dinner every night once they’re in their 30’s.


Help Out With Everyday Life

Yes, academics and extra-curricular activities are important, but they aren’t real life. Every child should know what it’s like to do chores, have a job, or contribute to the family unit in some way. This prepares them for the real world and even later on when they have to take care of you.

Wakey Wakey

Every child should be taught to wake up on time by themselves. Wrangling them out of bed every morning isn’t doing them any favors. It sets them up for failure in the future; you can’t hold a job if you can’t get up for work on time.